Response Codes


Service Code Description Client Message
3DSecure 1001 Error Processing Message Request. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1002 Error Processing Lookup Request Message. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1010 Error Processing VEReq. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1036 Unsupported Cardholder Enrolled Value. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1060 Missing or Invalid PARes. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1070 Error processing VERes. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1085 Error processing PAReq, Display Amount Could Not Be Determined. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1090 Unsupported PAReq Version requested by ACS. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1120 Error Persisting Authentication Information. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1125 Error Persisting Transaction_Lookup Information. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1130 Error Persisting VERes Information. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1150 Error Persisting PAReq Information. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1160 Error Persisting VEReq Information. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1360 Payment Initiative Not Supported. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1380 Payment Initiative Not Supported Under Specified Message Version. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1390 Card Type and Message Type Mismatch. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1400 Message Version Not Supported. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1680 System Western Union Configuration Not Available, Please Contact Support. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 1710 SECURE-eBill Configuration Not Available, Please Contact Support. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2100 Field Mismatch Between the Application Data Fields and Data Values. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2101 Unable to Extract Application Data Fields and Data Values. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2102 Unable to Locate Application Data by TransactionId. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2103 Unable to Insert BML Authorization Data. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2107 Unable to Insert BML Application Data. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2108 Unable to Locate Merchant Configuration By Promo Code. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2112 Unable to Locate BML Application Configuration Data. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 2120 Error Processing Payment Authorization. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 350 Unable to locate Merchant Configuration Information Within System. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4000 Error Validating Processor Id Value. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4020 Error Validating Merchant Id Value. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4240 Merchant unable to process transactions, not active. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4243 Merchant unable to process transactions, Payment Initiative configuration not found. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4245 Merchant unable to process transactions, Payment Initiative not active. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4260 Error Validating Order Number. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4310 Error parsing VERes Message Elements. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4375 Error Validating Recurring Value. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4885 Error Locating the Merchant's Payment Processor Configuration. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4930 Error Processing PayPal Express Checkout. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4931 Error Processing PayPal Express Checkout Payment. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4938 Error Processing PayPal Direct Payment Transaction. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4939 Error Processing PayPal Transaction. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4951 Error Processing PayPal Transaction, PreApproved Payments not activated. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4955 System PayPal Configuration Not Available, Please Contact Support. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 4960 Error Persisting PayPal Transaction Information. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 5955 System SECURE-eBill Configuration Not Available, Please Contact Support. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 5960 Error Persisting SECURE-eBill Transaction Information. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 789 Error Communicating with PayPal. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 798 Merchant PayPal Configuration Not Found in System. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 826 Error Retrieving Processor In System. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 870 Error Retrieving Credential From System. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure U Authentication Unavailable. 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 50 Execute 3D method and continue to authentication Success. Please provide TDSMethodContent
3DSecure 9 ACS Challenge Success. Please complete the ACS Form
3DSecure 1 Authenticated Success.
3DSecure 2 N-status/Not enrolled from … Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 3 N-status/Not enrolled from … Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 4 Authentication Attempt Success. Attempt receipt received and signature valid
3DSecure 0 Not authenticated Failed to validate 3DS PaRes
3DSecure 5 U-status/Challenge authentication ….. Failed to validate 3DS PaRes
3DSecure 6 Error received Failed to validate 3DS PaRes
3DSecure 7 MPI error Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 8 Fraud score block Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 94 Errors in Cres/Rreq data or matching Failed to validate 3DS PaRes
3DSecure 99 System error Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 92 Error with Directory Server ….. Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 93 Disabled merchant… Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 80 Skip device case Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 83 Proxy script error 3D Secure failed.
3DSecure 91 Network error Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 95 No directory found for PAN/cardtype Failed to check 3DS enrollment
3DSecure 96 No version 2 directory found for PAN/cardtype Failed to check 3DS enrollment
Acquirer 00 Approved The transaction was successfully approved
Acquirer 1 Refer to Card Issuer. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 2 Refer to Card Issuers special Conditions. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 3 Invalid Merchant. The transaction failed due to Invalid merchant.
Acquirer 4 Pick-up Card. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 5 Do Not Honour. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 6 Error. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 7 Pick-up Card, Special Condition. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 9 Request In Progress. Request In Progress.
Acquirer 12 Invalid Transaction. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 13 Invalid Amount. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 14 Invalid Card Number (No such Number). The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 15 No such Issuer. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 16 Approved Update Track 3. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 17 Operator Cancelled. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 18 Customer Dispute. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 19 Re Enter Transaction. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
Acquirer 20 Invalid Response. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 21 No Action Taken. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 22 Suspected Malfunction. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 23 Unacceptable Transaction Fee. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 24 File Update not Supported. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 25 Unable to Locate Record. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 26 Duplicate Record. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 27 File Update edit error. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 28 File Update File Locked. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 30 Format Error. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 31 Bank Not Supported by Switch. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 32 Completed Partially. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 33 Expired Card. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 34 Suspect Fraud. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 35 Card Acceptor Contact acquirer. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 36 Restricted Card. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 37 Card Acceptor call acquirer security. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 38 Allowable PIN tries exceeded. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 39 No Credit Account. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 40 Function Not Supported. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 41 Lost Card. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 42 No Universal Account. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 43 Stolen Card. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 44 No Investment Account. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 45 Account Closed The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 46 Identification required The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 51 Insufficient Funds. The transaction failed due to Insufficient Funds.
Acquirer 52 No Check Account. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 53 No Savings Account. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 54 Expired Card. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 55 Incorrect PIN. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 56 No Card Record. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 57 Transaction not permitted to card holder. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 58 Transaction Not permitted to Terminal. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 59 Suspected Fraud. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 60 Contact Acquirer. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 61 Exceeds Withdrawal amount limit. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 62 Restricted Card. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 63 Security Violation. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 64 Original Amount incorrect. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 65 Exceeds Withdrawal frequency limit. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 66 Call Acquirer Security. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 67 Hard Capture. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 68 Response received too late. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
Acquirer 75 Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 77 Intervene, Bank approval Required. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 78 Intervene, Bank approval required for partial amount. The transaction failed. Please contact your bank.
Acquirer 79 Approved Administrative Transaction. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 80 Approved National negative file hit OK. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 81 Approved commercial. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 82 No Security Module. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 83 No Accounts. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 84 No PBF. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 85 PBF Update Error. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 86 Invalid Authorisation Type. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 87 Bad Track 2. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 88 PTLF Error. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 89 Invalid Rout Service. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 90 Cut Off in Progress. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 91 Issuer or Switch Inoperative. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
Acquirer 92 Routing Error. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 93 Violation of Law. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 94 Duplicate Transaction. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 95 Reconcile Error. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 96 System Malfunction. The transaction failed.
Acquirer 97 Communications Error. The transaction failed.
Application level   Transaction was cancelled. Transaction cancelled.
Application level   A general error occurred. General error occurred.
Application level   Timeout. Session timed out.
Confirmation MD Merchant Decline. The transaction failed.
ECS 3DS 3D Secure Authentication failed. PAResPayload possibly corrupt/incomplete. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
ECS IA Invalid action. The action is not enabled for the provided MerchantID. The transaction failed.
ECS IE Internal error. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
ECS IM Irregular request message received. The transaction failed.
ECS IP Invalid MerchantID. The transaction failed.
ECS NA Card BIN not allowed for merchant. The transaction failed.
ECS NR Null response received. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
ECS OT Unable to find original transaction details. The transaction failed.
ECS SE An error occurred during a payment service provider transaction. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
ECS SU Payment service unavailable. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
ECS TO Timeout. The transaction timed out. Please try again later.
ECS UR Unexpected response message received. The transaction failed.
ECS VF Validation fault. The transaction failed.
ECS IE Invalid Session. Your session has expired, please try again
ECS IE Code error. MasterPass Code could not be generated, please try again later.
ECS RL24 Transaction failed. Do not retry payment within 24 hours The transaction failed.
ECS RL30 Transaction failed. Do not retry payment within 30 Days The transaction failed.
ECS B24 Transaction failed. Do not retry payment within 24 hours The transaction failed.
ECS B30 Transaction failed. Do not retry payment within 30 Days The transaction failed.
MasterPass 400 Missing parameter or not valid JSON. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 401 Unauthorized. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 403 Invalid merchant login details or merchant suspended. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 404 Invalid URL. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 431 The code does not exist. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 432 Invalid amount. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 433 Invalid network. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 434 Client suspended. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 436 Invalid transaction reference. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 439 Invalid code. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 440 Validation error. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 443 Code locked. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 444 Unable to reverse. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 500 General system error. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
MasterPass 512 General system error. The transaction failed. Please try again later.
MasterPass 513 The code does not belong to the merchant performing the request. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 514 System error. Unable to reverse. The transaction failed.
MasterPass MPCF MasterPass Create Transaction error. The transaction failed.
MasterPass MPE MasterPass error. The transaction failed.
MasterPass MPNF MasterPass Notification error. The transaction failed.
MasterPass 500 No transaction. No transaction was performed.
Stitch PENDI EcentricEFT Initiation pending. EcentricEFT Initiation pending.
Stitch COMPL EcentricEFT Initiation completed. EcentricEFT Initiation completed.
Stitch EXPIR EcentricEFT Initiation failed, stitch session has expired. EcentricEFT Initiation failed.
Stitch FAIL EcentricEFT Initiation failed, [reason]. EcentricEFT Initiation failed.
Stitch CANCE EcentricEFT Initiation failed, the session was cancelled. EcentricEFT Initiation failed.
Stitch INVAL EcentricEFT polling returned a unknown state; [state]. EcentricEFT polling failed.
VTS 200 Approved or completed successfully Approved
VTS SE VTS Service Error VTS service error. Please Contact us for more information.
VTS TO VTS Timed Out VTS service is not available. Please Contact us for more information.
VTS 400VT {reason}, {message} This Visa Card failed to be used by VTS, reason: {reason}. Please try another card.
VTS 401VT {reason}, {message} This Visa Card failed to be used by VTS, reason: {reason}. Please try another card.
VTS 403VT {reason}, {message} This Visa Card failed to be used by VTS, reason: {reason}. Please try another card.
VTS 409VT {reason}, {message} This Visa Card failed to be used by VTS, reason: {reason}. Please try another card.