Real Time Transaction Query (RTTQ)
The Real Time Transaction Query (RTTQ) service is a web service that provides a mechanism for merchants to retrieve the status of a transaction.
Setting up RTTQ
In order to set up RTTQ, merchants will need the following information:
- Authentication: RTTQ uses the same client certificate for authentication as the payment gateway web service (see API authentication)
- Base URL: "https://*"
- URL suffix: "apirttq"
- URL scheme: "HTTPS"
- User authorization: "none"
- Headers:
- Content-Type = “application/json“
- Accept = “application/json”
- Request type:
GET "/query/Merchant/{{MerchantID}}/?TransactionId={{TransactionId}}&OrderNumber={{OrderNumber}}" - Template parameter: "{{MerchantID}}" is required
- Query parameters: "{{TransactionId}}" or "{{OrderNumber}}" where either of these is required
MerchantID – uniquely identifies a merchant (also known as the merchant GUID)
TransactionID - the unique transaction ID of the transaction being queried
OrderNumber - the unique order number or reference of the transaction being queried
Updated 4 months ago