Once the online form has been completed and Ecentric has received the merchant details, an Ecentric Payment Gateway merchant account will be created.
You will then be provided with the following:
Example GUID: R536489D-C64S-7785-ADAC-CB144898TYSHA merchant GUID – uniquely identifies your merchant account on the Payment Gateway - Secret key – is used to generate a digital signature (or checksum) to ensure the data is not tampered with. The key also uses a GUID format.
The key must be kept strictly private (i.e. not be shared with any external parties).
- Endpoint URLs - for Ecentric’s fully mocked Sandbox environment:
- Hosted Payment Page (HPP):
- Payment Lightbox (Lightbox):
- Hosted AddCard Page:
These are necessary for setting up your HPP, Lightbox or Hosted AddCard solution
The production details (MerchantGUID, Secret Key and endpoint URL's) will be provided once Sandbox testing is complete and the Ecentric production merchant account has been created.
Updated 2 months ago