Recon File v2
Recon File (Version 2)
Header Record
The Header section is the first section in the file and is always present once.
The table below lists the fields it contains.
Field no. |
Field name |
Format |
Description |
1 |
RecordType |
Constant ‘H’ |
Will always be the character ‘H’. |
2 |
Date |
File Date e.g. 130717. |
3 |
FileNumber |
INTEGER(50 digits) |
Batch Number e.g. 1. |
4 |
Originator |
Constant ‘eCentric’ |
File Origin. |
Detail Record
The Detail section is optional and occurs if the file contains data.
The table below lists the fields it contains.
Field no. |
Field name |
Format |
Description |
1 |
RecordType |
Constant ‘D’ |
Will always be the character ‘D’. |
2 |
TransactionID |
String(50) |
The transaction identifier for the request (passed to API by client or Hosted Payment Page/Lightbox). |
3 |
PreviousTransactionID |
String(50) |
The transaction identifier for the previous request (3DSecure Lookup if Payment/Authorize, or Authorize if Capture; passed to API by client or Hosted Payment Page/Lightbox). |
4 |
TransactGUID |
GUID – String(50) |
The unique identifier assigned to the transaction by the Payment Gateway. |
5 |
DateTimeTransaction |
The transaction date/time. |
6 |
MerchantID |
String(15) |
The unique identifier for the card acceptor (merchant) i.e. CardAcceptorID. Also referred to as the merchant number of the store where the transaction took place. |
7 |
TerminalID |
String(8) |
The unique identifier for the terminal at the card acceptor. Also referred to as POS Terminal ID or CardAcceptorTerminalID. |
8 |
TransactionType |
String(50) |
See Transaction Type list below e.g. Purchase. |
9 |
CardNumber |
INTEGER(19 digits) |
The card number used in the transaction. The number will be masked for PCI compliance. |
10 |
RetrievalReferenceNumber |
String(50) |
The order number for the transaction (client generated). The first 12 characters of the order number will be sent to the bank as the Retrieval Reference Number (RRN). |
11 |
AmountTransaction |
INTEGER(50 digits) |
The transaction amount in cents. No decimal point allowed. Could be zero (0) if transaction failed. |
12 |
Stan |
INTEGER(6 digits) |
The ISO Stan (System Trace Audit Number) |
13 |
AuthCode |
String(6) |
The authorisation code returned by the bank. |
14 |
ResponseCode |
String(5) |
The response code (result) for the transaction – 00 indicates success. |
15 |
CardholderName |
String(50) |
The name of the cardholder. |
16 |
MobileNumber |
String(50) |
The cellphone number of the cardholder. |
17 |
String(50) |
The email address of the cardholder. |
18 |
PaymentService |
String(50) |
See Payment Service list below |
19 |
SourceChannel |
String(50) |
The source channel for the transaction (client generated). |
20 |
ReconID |
String(36) |
The unique identifier used for reconciliation purposes (client generated). |
21 |
SaleReconID |
String(100) |
The customer provided reference that is the same for all tenders in a transaction. |
22 |
CurrencyCode |
String(3) |
3 letter/alpha ISO Currency code e.g. ZAR. |
23 |
CardType |
String(20) |
Type of card used (Amex/Diners/MasterCard/Visa), if available. |
24 |
AccountType |
String(20) |
Type of the Card account, if available (Debit/Credit/Cheque). For EFT transactions, "Cash" Account Type is used. |
25 |
TokenID |
String(50) |
The payment token identifier. Applies to non-card payment methods only. |
26 |
Issuer |
String(50) |
The issuer of the tender, if available. |
27 |
Secure3DEnrolled |
String(10) |
Indicates whether the card was enrolled for 3DSecure (Y/N/empty). |
28 |
Secure3DAuthResult |
String(10) |
The 3DSecure authentication result (Y/N/A/U/Empty). |
29 |
EciFlag |
String(4) |
The EciFlag returned from Bankserv (01/02/05/06/07/Empty). |
30 |
TransactionOutcome |
String(100) |
The outcome of the transaction (Success/Failure). |
31 |
InitialAuthRef |
String(50) |
The initial authorize reference is the value returned by the bank on the initial authorization. |
Trailer Record
The Trailer section is the last section in the file and is always present once.
The table below lists the fields it contains.
Field no. |
Field name |
Format |
Description |
1 |
RecordType |
Constant ‘T’ |
Will always be the character ‘T’. |
2 |
RecordCount |
INTEGER(50 digits) |
The number of Detail records present in the file. |
3 |
TotalTransactionAmount |
INTEGER(50 digits) |
Checksum of the AmountTransaction field of all Detail records. |
Transaction Types
Transaction types are listed in the table below.
Transaction Type |
Code (from Postilion) |
Purchase |
00 |
Refund |
20 |
Payment Service
Payment Services are listed in the table below.
Payment Service Name |
CardNotPresent |
CardNotPresentMoto |
CardNotPresentRecurring |
CardNotPresentMotoRecurring |
EFTSecure |
SnapScan |
MasterPass |
CardVerification |
Term |
Description |
American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
International Organization for Standardisation |
Point of Sale |
Secure File Transfer Protocol |
Updated 3 months ago