Hosted Data Fields
Data Fields for a payment
The list below details the required and optional fields, that must be populated and passed to Ecentric in order to access the payment page.
Required Fields
Field Name |
Format |
Description |
MerchantID |
A merchant ID will be provided by Ecentric Payment Systems (i.e. 5285C2C3-8B50-47F1-BCE7-10ECE659A7F2).
N.B. This field will be supplied in uppercase and should remain in uppercase. Changing the case of the Merchant ID will negatively affect the generation of the checksum. |
TransactionType |
string |
Either the word “Payment” or “Authorize” or "CardVerification" |
Amount |
integer |
The total amount to be paid in cents. (i.e. R20.95 will be 2095) |
Currency |
string |
The ISO 4217 alpha currency code (i.e. ZAR). Only ZAR is supported. |
MerchantReference |
string |
This field is also referred to as the Order Number.
This field is client generated.
The Order Number should be ALPHANUMERIC and should not contain any special characters, just letters and/or numbers [a...z], [A...Z], [0...9]
Maximum of 50 characters are allowed.
We will pass this value back to the response page unaltered (e.g. Order2123).
For Card Not Present (CNP) transactions:
For MasterPass transactions: The bank mark-off file showing settled transactions will show the RRN generated from MasterPass. Hence if required, other fields need to be used to reconcile the RRN to the merchant reference. |
UserID |
string |
Unique key generated by Merchant for each user. Optional field. If wallet used then pass UserID else don’t add to checksum. |
Checksum |
string |
A SHA256 hash, calculated by combining all required fields (pipe-delimited “|”) and the key provided by Ecentric Payment Systems.
This ensures that the data has not been tampered with.
N.B. the hash calculation needs to be uppercased after the hashing has been completed.
Request with no wallet example Key|MerchantID|TransactionType|Amount|Currency|MerchantReference is SecretKey|5285C2C3-8B50-47F1-BCE7-10ECE659A7F2|Payment|2095|ZAR|Order2123, which generates “C5E865E3B077D88C674C18C8037AA4E925E55138E0C81B08176F3EC0B625428B”. |
Request example with no wallet example
<form action="" method="POST" >
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantID" value="C1381D37-7191-4815-B92E-519933174972">
<input type="hidden" name="TransactionType" value="Payment">
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantReference" value="Ord31242">
<input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="2095">
<input type="hidden" name="Currency" value="ZAR">
<input type="hidden" name="Checksum" value="60D7C8D6144886AC9D6F38EAD0ECA380">
Optional Fields
Field Name |
Format |
Description |
Channel |
string |
Identifies the source of the call. For merchants who have multiple websites, this can be used to identify the originating site, i.e. “Website1”. This field will be used for reporting. |
AccountNumberPaid |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e.ACC123456) |
ItemQty |
integer |
For merchant use - to display to customer. Comma delimited (i.e. 1,2,3) |
ItemDescription |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer. Comma delimited (i.e. Widgets 1,Widgets 2,Widgets 3) |
ItemAmount |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer. Comma delimited (i.e. 2095,1295,1555) |
ShippingCost |
integer |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. 195) |
Discount |
integer |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. 0) |
Tax |
integer |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. 595) |
RecipientEmail |
string |
Customer email address for Ecentric payment receipt |
RecipientFirstName |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. John) |
RecipientLastName |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Doe) |
BillingAddress1 |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Ecentric) |
BillingAddress2 |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. 240 Main Road) |
BillingCity |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Cape Town) |
BillingSuburb |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Rondebosch) |
BillingPostcode |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. 7700) |
BillingRegion |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Western Cape) |
BillingCountryCode |
string |
The country numeric code according to the ISO 3166-1 standard (CountryCode = 710 for South Africa) |
MerchantAddressLine1 |
string |
Business address line 1. For aggregators this will contain the address of the sub merchant |
MerchantPostCode |
string |
Business post code. For aggregators this will contain the postal code of the sub merchant |
ShippingAddress1 |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Ecentric) |
ShippingAddress2 |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. 240 Main Road) |
ShippingCity |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Cape Town) |
ShippingSuburb |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Rondebosch) |
ShippingPostcode |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. 7700) |
ShippingRegion |
string |
For merchant use - to display to customer (i.e. Western Cape) |
ShippingCountryCode |
string |
The country numeric code according to the ISO 3166-1 standard (CountryCode = 710 for South Africa) |
TrialSubscription |
nullable boolean |
This is used when a merchant is offering Trial Subscriptions. Valid values are "true" or "false" |
cardAcceptorTerminalId |
string |
Used to identify a terminal |
MerchantCategoryCode |
integer |
Used to pass a merchant specific MerchantCategoryCode (MCC). (i.e 1234) |
CardonFileScenario |
An identifier allowing a merchant to indicate which specific CIT (customer initiated) or MIT (merchant initiated) transaction is being performed |
MerchantURL |
string |
This is the website address of the sub merchant. Applicable to aggregators. Max length is 255 characters |
MerchantCountryCode |
integer |
The country numeric code according to the ISO 3166-1 standard (CountryCode = 710 for South Africa) |
MerchantPhone | string | The phone number of the sub merchant. Applicable to aggregators. Max length 16 characters |
SubMerchantID | string | This is the unique ID of the sub merchant. Only applicable to aggregators. Max length is 15 characters |
VerificationAction | VerificationActionType | The VerificationAction to be applied to the card. If left blank when the TransactionType is CardVerification, it will default to NonPaymentAuthentication. The amount used will be R0 (Zero Rand). |
Request example with optional parameters
<form action="" method="POST" >
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantID" value="C1381D37-7191-4815-B92E-519933174972">
<input type="hidden" name="TransactionType" value="Payment">
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantReference" value="Ord31243">
<input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="2095">
<input type="hidden" name="Currency" value="ZAR">
<input type="hidden" name="ItemQty" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="ItemDescription" value="Widgets 1">
<input type="hidden" name="ItemAmount" value="2095">
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantCategoryCode" value="5399">
<input type="hidden" name="Checksum" value="EC678EED5040471F7BE94FE582A34F1D">
Return Fields
Field Name |
Format |
Description |
TransactionID |
The unique transaction ID generated by the gateway for this transaction. This field would be blank if one of the following application level failure messages should occur:
MerchantReference |
string |
This field is also referred to as the Order Number.
This field is client generated.
Maximum of 50 characters are allowed.
We will pass this value back to the response page unaltered (e.g. Order2123).
For Card Not Present (CNP) transactions:
For MasterPass transactions: The bank mark-off file showing settled transactions will show the RRN generated from MasterPass. Hence if required, other fields need to be used to reconcile the RRN to the merchant reference. |
Result |
string |
This field will read contain either “Success” or “Failure” Example Response Success <form action="" method="POST" > <input type="hidden" name="MerchantReference" value="Ord31244"> <input type="hidden" name="Result" value="Success"> <input type="hidden" name="FailureMessage" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="Checksum" value="4DE750A775FA63DC76BD9ACBD64065C8"> <input type="hidden" name="TransactionID" value="6297E2D7-705A-4FD1-876C-084AB58B7F48"> <input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="2095"> </form> Failure <form action="" method="POST" > <input type="hidden" name="MerchantReference" value="Ord31245"> <input type="hidden" name="Result" value=" Failure"> <input type="hidden" name="FailureMessage" value="Bank declined transaction."> <input type="hidden" name="Checksum" value=" 747DF62AA150D450BA4BBD05D3A3C76D"> <input type="hidden" name="TransactionID" value="6297E2D7-705A-4FD1-876C-084AB58B7F49"> <input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="0"> </form> |
FailureMessage |
string |
If there was an error during processing, this field will contain the error description. |
Amount |
integer |
The total amount to be paid in cents. (e.g. R20.95 will be 2095). This value will be 0 if failure message. |
Checksum |
string |
A SHA256 hash, calculated by combining all fields (pipe-delimited “|”) and the key provided by Ecentric Payment Systems. (i.e. Key|TransactionID|MerchantReference |Result|FailureMessage|Amount is SecretKey|C1381D37-7191-4815-B92E-519933174972|Order2123|Success|12300 , which generates “5B0C47339BD2C5B43DE5496E3C8304B8C2AC70710C0E127648711341A6B8A107”.
N.B. the hash calculation needs to be uppercased after the hashing has been completed. |
Updated about 2 months ago