React Native Library



A React Native package based on the PosBuddy Javascript Library.

The react-native-thumbzup-pos-buddy library uses secure WebSockets to communicate with Thumbzup Pay® servers.
This connects your application to your payment device, which has the Thumbzup PoS Buddy client & Thumbzup Pay® installed on it.
Your application can then process payments using your payment device


If you have an existing project, install the plugin using your package manager:

 yarn add react-native-thumbzup-pos-buddy

(If you don't have an existing project & are setting up React Native for the first time, please see React Native Environment Setup below.)



If you don't have an existing project & are setting up React Native for the first time, please see React Native Environment Setup page

React Native Environment Setup


Follow the official React Native Expo Go Quickstart and:

  • If you are installing yarn for the first time, enable corepack using corepack enable then npm install --global yarn.
  • Install project dependencies by running yarn.
  • Run the demo using yarn demo web.


Adapting the official React Native Windows CLI Quickstart:

  • Install nvm-windows.
  • Check the installed node version using nvm list.
  • Install Chocolatey using the individual administrative shell script.
  • Validate installation using choco -v.
  • Install the recommended JDK using choco install -y microsoft-openjdk17.
  • Validate which version is in use using echo %JAVA_HOME%.
  • Enable corepack using corepack enable.
  • Install yarn using npm install --global yarn.
  • Install project dependencies by running yarn.
  • Run the demo using yarn demo web.


The PosBuddy demo Expo application in /demo implements react-native-thumbzup-pos-buddy for Android, iOS & web platforms.

You should be able to run the web demo out of the box by installing the project's dependencies:


And then running the web platform:

yarn web demo

(For reference, please follow the React Native Getting Started guide for Expo.)


In a nutshell, one would:

  • Create a PosBuddy instance,
  • Connect to your device,
  • Authenticate your application, &
  • Perform sales.



In practice, there are a number of states & lifecycle recommendations which you can find in the Complete Implementation.
Please refer to API reference section or click the link below:

Complete Implementation

The PosBuddy Demo app demonstrates each react-native-thumbzup-pos-buddy feature including:

  • Connection
  • Logging
  • Authentication
  • Displaying items
  • Payments
  • Refunds


Android Secure WebSockets (WSS)

Depending on your Android device or OS, you may experience WebSocket errors: Trust anchor for certification path not found.

Example implementation using React Native Library:

 import { PosBuddy } from 'react-native-thumbzup-pos-buddy';
 const posBuddy = new PosBuddy();
 // Your device identifier is displayed in the Thumbzup PoS Buddy client on your payment device.
 posBuddy.connect('device identifier', (nextStatus: PbStatus) =>
   console.log('Connection status', nextStatus)
 // Authenticate.
 posBuddy.doPosAuth(({ secretKey, accessKey }) => {
   // Keep `obj.authenticationKey` for your session.
 // Make a payment.
 posBuddy.doPayment(totalAmountInCents, (obj: any) => {
   // View the payment outcome in the `obj.receiptBundle`.